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Simple, Effective, TANTRUM-FREE Potty Training That Eliminates Diapers…
In Just One Day!

Dear Parent,

If you and your child are ready to permanently say “goodbye” to diapers… and if you’re looking for a fast, fun, and tantrum-free way to do it… then welcome!

The first thing I want you to do? Forget everything you thought you knew about potty training!

It doesn’t have to be a long, frustrating, traumatic experience filled with embarrassing “accidents” in public places.

In fact, when you do potty training right, it can be downright fun! I know that sounds a little weird, but bear with me for just a moment, and let me explain…

Has “It” Happened To You Yet?

When our children are between 18 months and 3 years of age, there comes a time when “it” happens. You decide you’ve finally had enough of:

  • The daily chore of wiping stinky, poopy messes from your child’s bottom.
  • The never-ending piles of laundry caused by leaky disposables… or the mountains of dirty cloth diapers!
  • The temper tantrums or crying from your toddler every time you change a diaper.
  • Those nasty “blowouts” — when you find yourself wiping poop from halfway up your child’s back, wondering where on earth it all came from!
  • The endless trips to the store to pick up yet another package of costly disposable diapers. (Did you know that the average child uses between 8,000 and 10,000 diapers before they’re toilet trained?)

You’ve decided that you’re ready to start potty training your child. But you’ve also heard the “horror stories” from friends, family, or online parenting forums about what a nightmare the process can be!

And it’s true: Getting your toddler out of diapers can involve a lot of screaming, crying, humiliation, and temper tantrums. But it doesn’t have toand I’m about to show you a much, much better way!

Introducing A MUCH Better Way To Potty Train!

If you’d like to skip the usual headaches and stress that most parents associate with potty training, then you’re going to love this: The “No-Sweat Potty Training” System!

No tantrums. No drama. No “pull-ups.”

Instead, your little one can be diaper-free in just one memorable and (yes!) fun-filled day!

Now, I know that might sound a little hard to believe, but I’m about to show you exactly how it works…

But first, a quick introduction:

My name is Dana Obleman, and I’m the author of several best-selling parenting guides, including The Sleep Sense Program, The Food Sense Program, and Kids: The Manual. These no-nonsense titles have already helped more than 30,000 parents like you solve some of their biggest parenting challenges.

I’ve got a B.A. degree (with a major in Psychology) — and another degree in Elementary Education (B.Ed.). I spent several years as a first grade teacher, and I’m also the mother of three children (aged 9, 6, and 5.)

In other words, children have been at the very center of my personal and professional life for a long, long time! But what’s MOST important is that the strategies you’ll get with “No-Sweat Potty Training” just plain workand they actually make potty training fun… for you and for your child!

How To Secretly “Pre-Train” Your Child…

One of the reasons why the “No-Sweat Potty Training” system works so well (and so quickly) is that you’ll actually be doing a lot of the “work” before you even tell your child that potty training has begun!

By laying the foundation for success BEFORE you actually try to get rid of the diapers, you’ll make the process a lot easier for yourself and for your child. Some of the very first things that you’ll discover with “No-Sweat Potty Training” are:

  • The casual comments you should make while changing your child’s diapers… BEFORE you start the potty training process!
  • The RIGHT WAY to introduce your child to the toilet… before you ever start potty training!
  • Why letting the same-sex parent be the one to model toilet behavior is best — and what to do if this ISN’T an option…
  • How to encourage older siblings to be thrilled with the responsibility of teaching a younger sibling where to go!
  • How letting your child do little things like dress herself (even if the clothes don’t match or the pants go on backwards) will help with potty training!
  • The specific things that YOU should start doing before the big day! (Your child will pick up on these important signs, and they’ll make the process easier for everyone.)
  • Why you won’t be using pull-ups…
  • The #1 thing you must do the night before you start potty training. It’s an easy — and hugely important — step, but skipping it can sabotage the rest of the process!

All About Training Day!

So what exactly do I mean when I say your child will be diaper-free in just one day?

Well, the “No-Sweat Potty Training” system is based on one fun-filled day that we’ll be calling “Training Day.”

This is a very special day for both you and your child — and you should make a big deal about it! Tell your child how proud you are… and that Training Day is going to be all about him!

However, you should also understand (and let your child know) that he’ll still be using diapers at nighttime, and that nighttime diapers are OK — even for big kids! (The fact is that bladder control at night takes longer to master.)

While some children will “get it” right away and have dry diapers after the first night, most will take longer. Weeks, even a few months, of wet diapers in the morning are not uncommon.

Should You Bribe Your Child To Use The Potty?

One of the biggest debates about potty training is the question of whether or not to use rewards as an incentive.

As in, “If my child poops or pees in the potty, should I give him a candy as a reward? Or a toy? Or is my praise enough?”

Well, I’m a BIG believer in rewards for potty training! After all, we’re trying to make this process fun, right? And what’s more fun for a child than being rewarded for doing something new and “grown up”?

But don’t worry! You’re not going to be feeding your little one a box of candy every time he pees in the potty… I’ve got a TON of fun ways to reward your child – and you’ll learn all about them in “No-Sweat Potty Training,” including:

  • How to use the phone to give “bonus” rewards. (This is one of my all-time favorite methods, and it’s MORE exciting for most kids than candy!)
  • Why potty rewards (even candy) are a good thing! (These rewards won’t last long and they won’t create dependence.)
  • Why candy rewards DON’T work for some kids — and what to use instead. (Certificates and coupons actually work best for some children. And yes, I’ve included some for you!)
  • How to use “potty dialogue” to reinforce your child’s new habits!
  • A little “trick” to use if your child doesn’t seem interested in potty training. (The “extra attention” thrills even the most unenthusiastic toddlers!)

… and much, much more!

Like I mentioned, you aren’t going to be using these rewards for long… because the “No-Sweat Potty Training” system is all about moving quickly from one step to the next!

(Plus, your child simply won’t need them for more than a few days! Their biggest reward will be seeing how proud their new skills make you — and how grown up using the potty makes them feel!)

The Fastest, Easiest Way To Get
Your Child Onto The “Big Toilet”

Dealing with a toddler’s poopy diapers is no fun. We won’t mention this to your child, but let’s be honest… it’s a pretty disgusting job!

But you know what’s just as nasty? Dealing with a training potty!

That’s why the “No-Sweat Potty Training” system moves your child from diaper to potty to “big toilet” as quickly as possible! I recommend no more than one week of using the training potty, and show you exactly how to make a quick transition. You’ll discover:

  • How to make “graduating” from the training potty an exciting event for your toddler (and what to do if they seem reluctant!)
  • The one accessory you absolutely must have to go along with the children’s toilet seat! (Don’t miss this one…)
  • How to teach your child to use the big toilet safely. (Many toddlers prefer the training potty simply because they are scared of “falling into” the big toilet. You’ll learn how to bypass this common pitfall…)
  • What to do is your son or daughter refuses to poo while on the potty! (This is a super-common problem for many toddlers, and I’ll tell you the best way to handle it… without embarrassing you child.)
  • Why some toddlers will try to “hold in” their poo for days at a time. (This is pretty common, but causes a LOT of unnecessary worry for parents – not to mention extra loads of laundry!)

… and everything else you’ll need to make the transition from training potty to the “big toilet” as quick and comfortable as possible for your child!

Accidents: How To Handle Them
(And What NOT To Do!)

Even though “No-Sweat Potty Training” will eliminate the need for daytime diapers in just one day, that doesn’t mean that accidents won’t happen! They will, and you’ll need to know how to respond when they do!

And because I want this to be the ONLY potty training resource you’ll ever need, I’ve made sure to include a big section on the problems you might face and how to deal with them.

Now, I’m not suggesting that you’ll be faced with ALL these problems! But I do want to make sure that you’re prepared for anything, including:

  • What kind of accidents to deal with right away – and which ones you might want to ignore for a few minutes.
  • How to deal with a child who seems “scared” of going poo on the potty. (This one can be tricky, as it often leads to constipation. And once your child becomes constipated, you’ve got a brand new set of problems!)
  • How to recognize the signs of constipation and what to do about it.
  • Why some kids insist on privacy when they’re going to the bathroom. (I’ll show you how to respect their privacy and keep up the encouragement WITHOUT embarrassing them!)
  • Find out when to call a doctor if your child won’t poo. (Sometimes there’s a bigger problem than an unwillingness to use the potty. You’ll discover when you need to get a doctor involved.)
  • Why nighttime and daytime potty training are so different. (Just because your child slips up at night doesn’t mean she isn’t potty trained!)
  • Understanding the two different forms of bedwetting. (You’ll discover how to recognize each – and how to choose the best solution…)
  • What to do if your child wets the bed. (Hint: It’s never a good idea to scold your child for bedwetting, even if it’s done in a gentle, kind tone. I’ll explain why, and tell you the best approach to take instead!)
  • How to deal with caregivers who might want your child to wear diapers — because it’s easier for them. (You’ll discover how to get the caregiver on your side and actually helping with the potty training!)

… and much more!

Free Potty Training Goodies
For You AND For Your Child!

Earlier on this page, I promised you that the “No-Sweat Potty Training” system would be fast and easy. But I also promised you that it would FUN for your child… and that it would be the ONLY potty training resource you’ll ever need.

That’s why I’m including a bunch of valuable bonuses — at absolutely no cost to you!

These bonus products complete the “No-Sweat Potty Training” system, virtually guaranteeing your success! (I’ll have more to say about guarantees in a minute….)

Bonus #1: The No-Sweat Potty Training
Fast-Start Guide

As with most things, the keys to your potty-training success are going to be good preparation and follow-through. That’s why I’ve put together this super-simple “fill-in-the-blanks” Fast Start Guide that contains checklists, charts, and tips to make sure that your Training Day goes as smoothly as possible.

This 28-page resource includes:

  • Readiness checklists
  • Daily “check-in” sheets to help chart your child’s success.
  • Resources to give your daycare or childcare provider to guarantee consistency no matter where your child is! (Includes a sample letter to give your daycare/childcare provider, daily checklists, and more!)
  • Nighttime training charts

… and much more!

Even though this would make a great potty training resource all on its own, this Fast-Start Guide is not available separately. (But it’s included at no cost to you when you claim your copy of “No-Sweat Potty Training”!)

Bonus #2: Success Certificates, Reward Coupons,
and Training Charts For Your Child!

Unlike many potty training guides (that simply tell you to reward your child with a candy every time they use the toilet), the “No-Sweat Potty Training” system recognizes that — for many children — the very BEST reward is the proud feeling they get by pleasing the most important people in their lives. (That’s you!)

So I’m also including a huge collection of fun, kid-themed charts, certificates, and reward coupons at no extra cost! You’ll get:

  • Two “Congratulations” certificates to give to your child on Training Day! (One boy-themed, one girl-themed.)
  • Two “Potty Charts” that you and your child can use together to track successful trips to the potty! (One for boys, one for girls.)
  • 16 “Reward Coupons” that you can give to your child as a reward for using the potty! (They’ll have fun “redeeming” these coupons for things like hugs, an extra treat, a favorite snack, etc.)

Again, these are all designed to make the potty training experience interactive and FUN for both you and your child! They’re not available separately, but are yours FREE!

Bonus #3: The “No-Sweat Potty Training” Video Library

When you choose the “No-Sweat Potty Training” system, you’ll also get instant access to my complete online video library, containing 5 laser-focused video tutorials that you can watch to get quick answers to some of the most common potty training questions. Topics include:

  • A step-by-step guide to getting ready for “Training Day.”
  • The differences between potty training boys and girls.
  • Why some children struggle with bowel movements, and what you should do about it.
  • My tips and tricks to encouraging dry nights.
  • The three most common potty training pitfalls – and how to deal with them.

This video resource library is included at absolutely no extra cost to you!

You Get Everything… PLUS An Unbeatable
“No Questions Asked Guarantee!

As you can see, I really *have* included everything you need to make potty training your little one a fast, fun, and tantrum-free experience!

You not only get the “No-Sweat Potty Training” book (55 pages of no-nonsense, step-by-step instructions), but you also get all three great bonuses (the 28-page “Fast-Start” guide, the collection of 20 charts, coupons, and certificates, plus the complete video library) at no extra cost!

If you shop at a discount supermarket, you can probably get a jumbo-pack of diapers for between $40 and $50. (You’ll pay a lot more per diaper if you’re buying at pharmacies or in smaller packages.)

And speaking of diapers…

What The Diaper Companies DON’T Want You To Know…

The diaper companies have a “dirty little secret.”

Back in the 1950s (BEFORE the invention of disposable diapers or washing machines), the average age for potty training a child was 18 months. Not surprising, since mothers were understandably anxious to stop hand-washing poopy cloth diapers!

Today, just about EVERYONE uses disposables. It’s estimated that there are $20 BILLION worth of disposables sold every year. In fact, disposable diapers are SO easy and convenient that the average age for potty training is now 30 months!

Are today’s toddlers less able to be potty trained? Nope. But the diaper companies sure as heck want your little ones pooping their pants for as long as possible. (That’s why pull-ups were invented — as diapers for big kids!)

For less than the price of one more case of diapers, you can get absolutely everything you and your child need to say “Goodbye” to diapers permanently — all for just one payment of $39!

Special Offer: Save $10 Instantly If You Buy Today!

As a special incentive to those of you who are ready to start potty training NOW, you can get No-Sweat Potty Training at the lowest price ever offered by clicking on the link below…

Click here to order now.

And not only do you get the complete “No-Sweat Potty Training” system (including no-cost bonuses) – you also get the total protection of my “No Hassle” guarantee!

Your 12-Month “No Questions Asked” Guarantee:

If at any time in the next 12 months (and for any reason at all) you decide that you’re not completely satisfied with the “No-Sweat Potty Training” system, just let me know via e-mail (custserv@nosweatpottytraining.com) or by telephone (206 923-9489) and I’ll promptly and politely refund your payment with no questions asked. Period.

That’s as fair a guarantee as you’ll ever find, and it’s the same one I’ve confidently offered on ALL my products for the past 8 years. I’m able to offer this guarantee to you because my methods just plain work!

Here’s How To Get Started — Instantly!

You can get started with the complete “No-Sweat Potty Training” system right now — because everything is accessed online via the Internet!

Simply place your order by clicking the button below, and you’ll instantly receive an e-mail containing your unique username and password and a link to the members’ area of this website, where you’ll find everything you need to get started immediately, including:

  • The “No-Sweat Potty Training” Guide (55 pages)
  • Bonus #1: Your Fast-Start Guide & Workbook (28 pages)
  • Bonus #2: Reward Resources (20 fun certificates, charts & coupons)
  • Bonus #3: The Complete Video Library (Five videos dealing with the trickiest parts potty training!)

and you get everything for just one easy payment of $39USD $29!
Remember, you get instant access to everything as soon as your order is completed.

And don’t forget that the “No-Sweat Potty Training” system is actually FUN — for you and for your child! (It’s true! In fact, some of my clients have told me that Training Day is one of their favorite parenting memories, because it’s a day of such pride and accomplishment for their children.)

So, if you’re ready to finally stop spending a fortune on diapers… and if you’ve had enough of dealing with your child’s poop on a regular basis… then just click here to get instant access right now! (And it’s all 100% backed by my “No Questions Asked” Guarantee.)

To a successful (and fun!) potty training,

Dana Obleman — B.A. (Psych.), B.Ed. (Elem.)

P.S. Even though you’re reading this on the Internet, don’t forget that I’m a real person! You can contact me with any questions you might have by calling (206) 923-9489 or by e-mailing dana@nosweatpottytraining.com.

P.P.S. One of the most common questions I get asked: When is “too soon” to start potty training my child?

Good question! Most children are ready before the age of two, but here are my three “requirements” for potty training:

  1. If your little one can go two hours without wetting a diaper, they have enough bladder control to start potty training. (If their diapers are always a little bit wet, you might want to wait.)
  2. Your child should be able to get around independently (walk from room to room) and have the motor skills to pick up and put down everyday objects.
  3. Your child should be able to understand and follow basic instructions. If you say “Please go get your toy and put it in the basket” and your child is able to do it, you’re good to go!

Some parents are reluctant to start “too soon,” but the truth of the matter is that most children are physically ready much earlier than we parents think! And the longer we leave our children in diapers, the more “used to it” they can get — making the process of potty training MORE difficult the longer you wait!

Ready to get started? Click here now to get instant access to “No-Sweat Potty Training!”